
Interview with Burning_Star_IV

This time, I'll interview Burning Star, he is a member of Rage Nightmare and is the highest lvl player of the game. I'll ask him 6 questions.

1 What is your opinion about Forbidden Absolution?

FA is a great game, definately my favorite of this type of online games, awesome staff and such, just love it.

2 Do you have some ideas to make the game better?

i'd just say maybe some more advances to the story or something like that, and maybe some new npc's, but i'm sure sin has some great updates planned soon anyway so no rush.

3 What do you exactly like from this game?

The staff, the players, the game itself, everything in general really.

4 How long do you play this game a day?

lately i've been kinda busy so have only played around 20 minutes a day, sometimes i play more if i feel like chatting or doing something.

5 Who is your favorite player?

you of course or ladym, she's great too. and sin, but dont need to even mention him.

6 How is it to be the highest lvl player in the game?

its lonely at the top