
Interview with LadyM

This week, I'll interview LadyM, she is an admin and... many peoples wants to know what the M is for, the M means "mean". So Lady Mean.

1 What is your opinion about Forbidden Absolution?

It's the most awesome game ever created :D and I'm not just saying that because I'm really good at it and don't get beaten up often, honest.

2 Do you have some ideas to make the game better?

Very ocassionally i think of something that might be interesting to include but I usually just babble in the forum about it for a while. I like Lady of Havoc's idea about an underwater city A LOT. We should definitely have that!

3 What do you exactly like from this game?

it's impossible to pick just one thing. It's a combination of so many factors, not just about the game itself but the other staff and players. It's a real community.

Question 4.
How long do you play this game a day?

oh waaaaaay too long I am not admitting just how long. I think most people have an idea that I am a robot who never sleeps lol

5 Who is your favorite player?

hmmmm tricky question........ certainly Wrath is the most bloothirsty player I have ever met and we do have a little spark between us with banter (although contrary to what some believe he is NOT my boyfriend) so I think on killing desire alone I will say it is Wrath

6 How is it to be an Admin, one of the highest staff positions in this game?

It's not as exciting as some people seem to think. You are on the end of a lot of player frustration and hence get a fair bit of personal abuse especically if you make a decision that goes against the player. I do enjoy it though. I would certainly miss it if I didn't have it